
Friday, October 07, 2005

So Jason Giambi was named Comeback Player of the Year, huh? You know what? Good. I was really glad he had a good year...I did a caricature of him back when he first joined the Yankees and everyone was all over him for not producing. I kept telling these damn Yankee fans(don't even get me started on THAT) to be patient, the guy will get going and knock your socks off. And he did...And then the steroids thing happened. You'd think the guy killed an entire town by all the hate and invective I've read about him and steroid abuse....Ok. Steroids ain't cool. They definitely should be outlawed in sports and mandatory testing is the best way to go. But don't wish the guy into jail or a hole in the ground for it. Stop throwing stones, people. Take your average person, subtract steroids and substitute alcohol/drugs/sex/etc....come on down from that high horse. He made a mistake(people will argue and say that cheating is not a mistake...ok, maybe you have something there. I'm not smart enough to decide that fully) But everyone deserves a shot at redemption. Isn't that what confession is all about? And yeah, he was very elusive in terms of copping to it. Maybe he could've handled that better. But we are where we are and I'm glad the guy worked it out and got to where he is. They'll never let him live it down...but maybe he can take comfort and pride in this award. Hey, you can say what you want about him but at least he didn't say that Miguel Tejada gave him the

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