
Thursday, September 28, 2006

You know, I don't watch a lot of comedies. Don't know why. I used to watch more of them but very rarely do I nowadays. Having said that, FOR GOD'S SAKE, WATCH THE OFFICE! WATCH IT!!! The ratings for this show and My Name is Earl (which is very funny, as well) are low but critical acclaim has kept it around(and an Emmy as well). This show is HILARIOUS. Last week's season premiere had me laughing so much that my wife came in and was like "Shhh, you'll wake William!" How do shows like this struggle and other shows like According To Jim, a show that I have NEVER met a person that watches it, keep going? You have to watch this show. It's on Thursdays at 8:30. THAT'S TONIGHT!!! If it gets cancelled I will be very upset. And that might kill sitcoms for good with me...

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