
Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Forgot to put this up...I love The Office. I just fell for that show, it's hilarious. So I did a drawing of John Krasinski as Jim (Big Tuna) Halpert. I also sent it in to this cool site called Life in the Office
and Brian, the cool guy who runs it, put the drawing up. I'm currently doing a piece of Brian and his wife for them. Brian must think I've forgotten him but between Christmas preparations and work and William there has been very little time to work on it..but I'm working on it, I really am! It's hard doing caricatures FOR people instead OF people. You have to please them and that can be tricky with caricatures. I'll post it when I am done...


Anonymous said...

Kev, you should really listen to the previous poster. I've heard abou tthe problems you've been having with your erections. the wife will thank you.

Anonymous said...

Merry X-mas ya hump.

Kevin Greene said...
