
Monday, November 07, 2005

I was reading in the Post about "Vegas", which is a show that my wife likes, and how the producers are about to kill off a major character because they did it on "Lost" last season and it worked well i.e. got big ratings...see, this is terrible. This is the dangerous precedent that "Lost" has started...Now, TV shows will be killing everyone off 'cause it's good for ratings. And it's completely unneccessary. You get used to these characters, you grow to love them and they just bump 'em off. I understand the need for dramatic tension, floating the idea that these are life and death circumstances but damn...I can see it now: "Next week on 60 of these correspondents will not make it to the end of the show...BUT-WHO-WILL-IT-BE?!?" It's ridiculous. I can see a producer sitting there going, " Wel, gee....does it HAVE to be Two-and-a-Half Men?" lol.... It's just getting out of control. So I guess the November and February sweeps will just be filled with people dying...nice. I see enough of that in real life, I can be spared that in the shows I watch. Jeez... On the other hand, if there ever was a gimmick that could get me to watch "American Idol", that is

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