
Friday, January 12, 2007


Oh boy..."24" starts up again..and will be taking over my ENTIRE weekend. Bastards!! Jack is all tortured and beaten by the Chinese...but he's back on U.S, soil in time for some huge terrorist attacks. I get the feeling that this will be the most brutal season of "24" thus far. And I have to start up my "24 Death Chart" again. Like a dope I lost my tallys for the season finale so I never got a complete number but this year I will be ON POINT. Let the carnage begin!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Kev,
This Jack drawing is cool. Have you thought of doing the full body and adding some background for context? I've often thought this would be the difference in taking some great drawings into awe inspiring territory. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

I will never think of the expression "necking" in the same way again. Just brutal!

Kevin Greene said...

I've been thinking of doing more full body pieces. I have some sports ones I want to do that way...