
Thursday, March 22, 2007

On "24" the other night, Jack was told that Audrey Raines was dead. Now, when someone on "24" dies, someone of tenure, I usually go on this whole thing about how this show has killed off more characters then any other show and blah blah blah...
Only Audrey Raines ain't dead.

They ain't foolin' me. They are setting up next season with that whole "Audrey is dead" nonsense. I think the Chinese have her. I mean, she's the daughter of a very important man and she herself has very important information that the Chinese would love to extract from her. I think they asked for and got DNA from the U.S. to not verify the identity of a dead body but to double check that who they had was really her. Now, honestly, I don't know how they could incorporate that into a "24" type season...not sure how that would fit in. Also, I read that the actress that plays her actually filmed a pilot for another show. Hmmm...this thought of mine is starting to look like a dud....NO! They're not fooling me! No! Audrey Raines ain't dead! I don't think....

Now BSG. I haven't written about Galactica in a while. The season has been slower this season but I think that's been intentional. I think not having contact with the Cylons was definitely their plan. They have been folLowing the fleet, looking for the path to earth but I also think that whatever is happening on the Galactica and around the fleet was precipitated by the Cylons. I think they are running some sort of experiment on them. I don't know how that sound that has been driving Tigh crazy fits in ( or Tigh's in...CLEVER!) but I definitely think they are screwing with the fleet. Or, it could be from the nebula they are approaching, what the hell do I know.... I'm sure I am completely and my goofy

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